Behind the Scenes at FSYO: 2014-2015 Photo Shoot

In an effort to capture the essence of FSYO and pay homage to our beautiful city, students and photographer Tina Craig took to the streets of Downtown Orlando for a photo shoot! We feel that these photos truly represent how our students feel about classical music: that it is cool, fun and has been infused into their everyday lives, stretching beyond the FSYO stage. 

Photos will be displayed in FSYO's 2014-2015 season programs, brochures and on concert posters. Here's a behind the scenes look:

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Visit our Flickr page to see the end resutl here

Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras | (407) 999-7800 |

Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras is sponsored in part by the State of Florida through the Division of Arts and Culture and the National Endowment for the Arts. FSYO is also funded in part by United Arts of Central Florida, your local agency for the arts. 

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Thank you to our 2023-2024 Scholarship sponsor, Kiwanis Club of Orlando Foundation.

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Florida Symphony Youth Orchestras is a proud member of the League of American Orchestras and the Edyth Bush Institute.

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